Analyzing "Put on the Sleeve of Love"

Sanchez referred to Zorizel Hersist writing and stated “Fear is the greatest emotion on the planet earth” But Sanchez had a different opinion stating that fear will only help us save our lives.

The tone of the poem we chose was optimistic because Sanchez is hoping that the people today can come together and love each other by all means.

Figurative Language:
Sanchez used repitition in this poem, excessively saying “put on the sleeves of”. Personification was given in the poem. Sanchez states "Put on the sleeves of love" and love isnt something you can put on, it's a feeling you have. Sanchez also uses a cliche stating, "Love is the greatest emotion of all".

The theme of the poem is that fear comes with love. People are scared to love each other because of what other think, but if we all come together and love than opinions wouldn’t matter.

Final Interpretation
Sanchez starts off by saying how Zoriel Hersist believes that fear is the greatest emotion of all, but Sanchez differs. Sanchez states that love is the greatest emotion of all, saying how love will will protect our selves and help others protect themselves.

Chris: I thought this poem was ok. I agree that fear makes you do whatever you have to to save yourself but love makes you save others.

Danyelle: I didn't necessarily like this poem but I did enjoy how she made love seem like a person; giving it arms, legs, and hands to emphasize how we as a people need it.