Thursday, February 10, 2011

Text or Talk ? ... 10 Reasons !

* 5 reasons why texting is better than talking on the phone *

         1. You have more things to talk about ...
   At some point in time while you're on the phone, you have a moment of silence, and it's akward.

        2. You have more time to come up with another topic ...
   Have you ever had that someone that you never wanted to stop texting, but you had absoluetly NOTHING to talk about? Well, at least if you're texting you have a million topics to go through, rather than being on the phone with nothing to talk about!
       3. You can abbreviate what you're saying ...
   I'm the type of person who hates repeating myself, especially if I said alot. If you're in class, and you can't yell across the room to somebody, why not just whip out your phone? It's easy access and I'm pretty sure that they'll understand what you're saying!
      4. You can text alot of people at once ...
  I don't like being on the phone at all, unless it's with my bestfriend or my mother. I'm a text-aholic. I'd rather text 3 people at once, than to be talking on the phone with one person.

     5. It's just like talking on the phone, if you're laughing at what the text says, just reply "LOL" ..
  It works just like being on the phone!

 * 5 reasons why talking on the phone is better than texting *

     1. Impersonation
 You lose you phone, or someone is using your phone, and pretends to be you while texting others from your phonebook.

    2. You get the full details of the conversation, rather than saying "LOL"
 I love making people laugh, but getting a text that says "LOL" doesn't move me. I'd rather be on the phone hearing the person laugh.
   3. Mixed Emotions
If you sent someone a text message, they may read it wrong. They may get the idea that you're mad at them, etc ...
  4. Faster thoughts
If you're texting, you have to keep thinking of things to say. If you're talking on the phone, you say the first thing that comes out your mouth.

  5. Not everything can be expressed in words from a phone ...
I love texting, but I must agree, not everything can be expressed in words from a phone. If I'm having a heart to heart conversation with someone, I wouldn't want to talk about it over a text message. I want to hear their voice and understand them more clearly.

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